Appeal for procedural offense

In case the verdict is not complying with our demands, or does not meet our expectations, we are given the opportunity to appeal, and for this reason it worths’ visiting a specialist, who has the knowledge, and practice to review the whole case, and give a new legal opinion on the possibilities of the remedy. Their can be a possibility for procedural offenses , which may be as significant, that can annulize the decision. This happened in case , when one litigant was not summond properly by Hungarian Court, according to the Hungarian Civil Procedural Act, thus the Appeals Court has repealed the ruling of the first instance court. Ruling No. BH 1995:223.

In case you are also lacking objective legal representation , than our office will help you with professional atmosphere and proactive attitude.
T: 00 36 30 560 30 38


Representation of a firm

Our office undertakes a full representation of companies in the following sub-tasks:
• The Company’s operation, full legal support decision-making processes and the implementation of other tasks that require legal action
• The Company’s contracts, contract amendments to documents cases involving employment, partnership agreements, legal documents of, preparation, review and monitoring
• Work Legal advice and information on issues of Supervisors and Colleagues for
• Civil legal opinions, contracts, employment law subjects, preparation
• Participation in the labor legislation of any problems
• Customers, partners and suppliers contracts of opinion, especially in the freight-forwarding and logistics area, construction contracts, land contract agreements
• Management of the economic and strategic decisions, the legal aspects of the preparation and implementation of the
• any court, in proceedings before the authorities representing the Company
• Participation in the Company’s documents and internal regulations of the development and updating of the legal opinion on regulations
• Validation of receivables, receivables through legal process
• Participation in internal project preparation, implementation, legal support for projects
• Ongoing legal advice on topics requested by the Cockpit
• Liaison with supervisory bodies, external legal partner
• Monitoring changes in legislation, assessing the impact of the report, the legislative changes

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Megnyitás a Google Fordítóban


Google Fordító

A Google ingyenes szolgáltatása azonnal lefordítja a szavakat, kifejezéseket és weboldalakat a magyar és 100 további nyelv kombinációjában.

Google Fordító

A Google ingyenes szolgáltatása azonnal lefordítja a szavakat, kifejezéseket és weboldalakat a magyar és 100 további nyelv kombinációjában.

.:: ::. – Online fordítószolgáltatások – MorphoLogic

Angol-magyar, magyar-angol szöveg és weblapfordító program. Angol, német és szinonima szótárak, fordítással kiegészített Google kereső valamint …

Online Magyar Angol fordító – Translator

Magyar Angol fordító – legjobb automata fordító között a magyar nyelv és minden nyelv, egyaránt elérhető online és offline fordítások.

Online Német Magyar fordító – Translator

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Piliscsaba – A telefonról (helyelőzmények) – Pontos helyadatok használata

– További információk

Súgó Visszajelzés küldése Adatvédelem Általános Szerződési Feltételek



Our law-office undertakes a full representation of companies in the following sub-tasks:
• The Company’s operation, full legal support during decision-making processes and the implementation of other tasks that require legal action
• The Company’s contracts, contract amendments, to documents cases involving employment, partnership agreements, legal documents of, preparation, review and monitoring
• Legal advice in Labour Law and information on issues of Supervisors and Colleagues
• Civil legal opinions, contracts, employment law subjects, preparation
• Participation in the labor legislation of any problems
• Customers, partners and suppliers contracts of opinion, especially in the freight-forwarding and logistics area, construction contracts, land contract agreements
• Management of the economic and strategic decisions, the legal aspects of the preparation and implementation of the
• any court, in proceedings before the authorities representing the Company
• Participation in the Company’s documents and internal regulations of the development and updating of the legal opinion on regulations
• Validation of receivables, receivables through legal process
• Participation in internal project preparation, implementation, legal support for projects
• Ongoing legal advice on topics requested by the Cockpit
• Liaison with supervisory bodies, external legal partner
• Monitoring changes in legislation, assessing the impact of the report, the legislative changes

Call our law office for tailor mad legal solutions ! TeL: 00 (36) 30 560 30 38, or get in touch by mail:

Neighbouring Rights

The owner When using of the property must refrain from any conduct which interfere with others, especially your neighbors and is unnecessary, or which exercise their rights at risk. The courts in these disputes examine whether any unnecessary interference has accaured or not. If the noise does not reach an unnecessary level of interference tolerance is obligatory, otherwise the owner shalldemand estate protection (estate protection, Civil Code § 5:21, 5:… § 5)and are entitled to it in the exact case.

New real estates 5 % VAT

The National Tax Office has issued a booklet to assist the applying of the discount (5%) tax rate in case of a new real estates how to interpret the concept of square meters of net floor space during the examination of the data specified by law.

The discount 5 % taxe rate is applicable for flats not bigger than 150 m2, or for houses not bigger than 300m2 net floor space.

GIFT tax ,levy

FREE, from the gift / inheritance tax the gifts received by the donor / testator’s lineal relatives (including those based on kinship adoptions as well) or spouse heritage;

Free from gift tax the acquiring of assets from the abolition of marital community property.

Overall rates of inheritance and gift tax is 18% of the value of the gift, but related to the acquisition of flat gift tax is 9% of the value of the flat, and and in case of inheritance the inheritance duty is 9% in case of land acquisition.

In case the tax office has levied not the proper quantity of the tax the client has the right to appeal, in this remedy our office can help with overall representation during the whole tax process.

Real estate purchase contracts

We undertake to edit real estate purchase contracts and to countersign them.The smaller value real estates purchase contracts are available for 80.000.-Ft as minimum fee, but avarage fee is 1 % derived from the purchase price of the real estate. We can offer also energy certificate specialist, and we also give help by the land-registry office, and by the National TAX Office.
It is also not a problem if one party would like to sign the contract abroad, because with an appostile it is also valid according to Hungarian Law.
We can also offer possibilities for letting out the property, and by the management of the real estate.